How to decorate a hookah unusually before serving?

How to decorate a hookah unusually before serving?

Why decorate a hookah?

In fact, there's no reason to. But additional decorated elements add charm, lift the mood, set the emotion and mood. The hookah itself already gives a lot of emotions. But imagine that you have guests who have never smoked a hookah. You can simply assemble the device, score a good shisha tobacco and serve it. Already that would be enough.

But what if instead you bring out a very beautiful hookah, which has fruit on it, in the hookah base, too, decorations, stands illuminated. Nice background music is playing, you are smoking the thick fragrant smoke, telling briefly the history of hookah, traditions and secrets. You create a harmonious atmosphere that your guests will surely remember.

If you work in an hookah lounge, then a beautiful shisha serving is one of the ways to captivate your guests, to give them vivid emotions and to show them what they are paying for. After all, many people can make a delicious hookah, but only a few can make it memorable. That's why decorating a hookah is a part of stylish presentation, raising the mood.

How to decorate a hookah unusually before serving?

Ways to decorate your hookah at home

Why exactly at home. Because in hookah bars, hookah masters serve hookah in a special way, using special devices, fruits, and decorations. We're talking about serving at home, which can be handled by anyone, even a novice hookah master. So use these recommendations, which will help make serving interesting and unusual.

Decorating the base of the hookah

The base of a hookah is easy to decorate because it is made of glass, transparent and capacious. We are not talking about special designer hookah bases with wide necks where you can add any decorations. But even an ordinary hookah base is easy to decorate, here are a few ways to make serving unusual:

  • Add the milk and put the backlight in. If the base has a notch for the light, you just have to have it. You'll see how effective this device is. And the milk in the base will play with new shapes, you can also leave it with water, but the milk will do its job.
  • You can add special glowing cubes to the base for cooling. You can buy them in our online shisha store They are multi-colored, in addition to cooling, decorate the base and add charm.
  • Of course, no one cancels the fruit. But you just need to pick the right ones. They must hold their shape. For example, melon or watermelon are not very suitable for adding to the hookah base. But pear, apple, lemon and orange slices are quite suitable. Peppermint is a good addition to the composition.
  • In general, any herbs in a base look good. You can add a sprig of tarragon, spruce branches, but you need to use young shoots, and even green small cones. They will all give aroma, so you need to consider the taste of shisha tobacco.
  • Flowers also look good in a hookah base. But they should not give bitterness or spoil the taste. Dandelions look interesting, but the water will become bitter very quickly and the taste of the hookah will be ruined. Therefore, add petals or small buds of roses, rose hips, tea rose, you can add petals of peony or tulip. It looks interesting.
  • Tea flower. Sold in any tea stores. They open in warm water. But in this case, the water in the base will become tea, so the hookah should also be made on tea.
  • Special additives in the base. Special dyes are sold that can be added to the base and they will make the water unusual. You can buy such additives in hookah stores.

These are basic ways to decorate the hookah base and serve an unusual hookah. But remember, adding is half the battle. Then you will need to remove from the base, and here there may be difficulties. Think in advance about how you will take out the flower buds or fruit particles.

How to decorate a hookah unusually before serving?

Adding a little beauty to the hookah tray (plate)

A hookah tray is another element that can be decorated. It is needed in order to protect from falling charcoal. But it is a plate, so let's use it as a plate. Here are some recommendations on how you can decorate it:

  • Fruits. This is the main decoration. That said, there are 2 types of people: those who put fruit just for decoration, and those who actually eat from it. You can use both, just make sure the plate is clean. Sliced kiwis, oranges, apples, pears look good. In general, you should choose fruit with a small amount of juice inside, otherwise the plate will quickly get smeared in the juice.
  • Flowers. All the same flowers decorate the hookah beautifully and complement it. Put buds, flowers, leaves, and it will look very good.
  • Decorative decoration. Weave a nest of branches, it looks original. Or decorate with a Christmas tree and toys, if you are preparing a hookah for the New Year. There are many options for decorating.
  • Themed decorations to suit your taste. The idea is to serve guests a hookah with a flavor you can visualize. For example, an apple and cherry. You can put a couple of small apples, cherry berries, twigs and leaves from trees, add gelatin apples or cherries on the plate. In general, decorate the hookah as if what is on the plate is also in the shisha bowl.

Add various decorations to the hookah tray, just remember that the lighter elements should be fixed with larger ones. Because, blowing smoke, you can easily blow away leaves, petals and other components.

How to decorate a hookah unusually before serving?

The shaft and hose of the hookah can also be decorated

It would seem that such elements as the shaft and the hose are hard to decorate. But that is not a problem. If you want to serve the hookah unusually, you can spend a little time and add decorations on these elements of the device as well. Here are a few recommendations:

  • On the hookah shaft, you can wrap something and fix it. Ribbons, fabric, any decorative ornaments are suitable. So you can give the hookah a themed look, for example, for the New Year decorate with tinsel, or for Halloween add yellow leaves, small pieces of pumpkins.
  • Artistic clay. If you have the time and desire, you can mold elements out of art clay and add them to the shaft. They will last a long time, while removing them will not be difficult. A great solution for an extraordinary presentation of hookah.

There are not many options to decorate the shaft and the hose, but you can still come up with creative ideas. The main thing is that the decorations should not affect the comfort and quality of smoking.

In general, you can immediately take designer stylish hookahs, which do not need additional decorations. In our online store you can find a variety of designer unique hookahs, which will please with their appearance and quality. Choose stylish models and place your order.


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